Different Conflict Styles and Employees Coaching

Dealing with scenarios where people have conflicting thoughts and approaches is a part of talent and development of employees. It is important to maintain the decorum of the firm at times of differences of opinion. The ability of the top management to improve employee and company results by resolving such conflicts will result in increasing team’s success rate. You will also enable you to enhance the quality of performance if your workplace is running smoothly and creating a good balance among your employees.

Conflict Styles

There are different ways through which top management or managers can handle conflicts among employees. These five conflict styles include conflict in competition, collaboration, compromise, avoidance and accommodation. These five are collectively known as Conflict styles in the language of management.


The managers that are in power or those that are head strong and usually prefer or create a winning situation for its supervisors but a losing situation for its employees, usually results in creating a conflict, so in this situation the best solution to solve such issues is the use of competitive conflict resolution. There are different ways that can be helpful in giving the employees a perfect vision in order to accomplish their task and thereby achieve better business results. It is basically the alignment of the people to the vision by keeping them motivates, inspired and to keep on communicating with the employees as well.


Leaders whom have the ability to remain in touch with both sides of a situation in a work environment and focus on a win- win style usually cooperate and understand both sides (the upper management and the lower employees). It has been researched that about 39% of employees working in organizations worldwide are not satisfied with their top management because they feel alienated. A leader must educate them while he or she intervenes and manages the situation.


It is tough to work as a mediator between both the parties. Leaders who work with managing and compromising different issues and keep a balance are the best leaders. It is better for you to give your managers the authority to manage and handle compromises properly in order to improve workforce productivity.


Those managers who usually listen to issues in conflict but do not resolve them, are somehow indifferent and employees will not be satisfied with them. Most managers avoid such conflicts and listen to both the parties because they don’t want to keep them unhappy. However, this does not resolve the issues and they will fester with time. AS a leader, you must be brave when taking decisions in conflict resolution, but it must all be done tactfully.


It is a type of conflict that will usually sacrifice employee’s personal needs or concerns if any in order to make it good for others and to accommodate the demands and needs of others. This situation is a sort of mix situation that is between non-assertive and cooperative behavior so that the managers can keep a peaceful situation among the firm.

It may be tedious, but you need to make sure you have some means of ensuring that you keep your employees engaged. A complete understanding of conflict in workplace culture will help you resolve disputes effectively and take your company forward.